PHSSC 3-2024
Council Chamber - In Person and Electronic Meeting
Niagara Region Headquarters, Campbell West
1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, Thorold, ON
  • Bateman, 
  • Bradley (Regional Chair), 
  • Chiocchio (Committee Co-Chair), 
  • Craitor, 
  • Diodati, 
  • Insinna, 
  • Ip, 
  • Kaiser, 
  • Morocco (Committee Co-Chair), 
  • Rigby, 
  • Seaborn, 
  • Siscoe, 
  • and Witteveen 
  • Easton, 
  • Foster, 
  • Jordan, 
  • Sorrento, 
  • and Whalen 
  • C. Banach, Director, Housing Services, 
  • A. Basic, Legislative Assistant, 
  • D. Carnegie, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • C. Cousins, Director, Homelessness and Community Engagement, 
  • R. Ferron, Chief/Director, Emergency Medical Services, 
  • A. Jugley, Commissioner, Community Services, 
  • Dr. A. Kasmani, Medical Officer of Health, 
  • S. Kearns, Public Health Chief of Staff, 
  • A.-M. Norio, Regional Clerk, 
  • J. Spratt, Legislative Coordinator, 
  • R. Tripp, Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • D. Vanecko, Director, Clinical Services (Acting), 
  • and L. Watson, Director, Social Assistance and Employment Opportunities 

Committee Co-Chair Chiocchio called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Councillor Witteveen read the Land Acknowledgement Statement.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 

Community Health Status Assessment

Amanda Kirkwood, Manager, Public Health Surveillance and Evaluation & Rachel Skellet, Manager, Planning Evaluation CQI, provided information respecting Community Health Status Assessment. Topics of the presentation included:

  • Background Information
  • Summary of Results
  • Observed Changes in Wellbeing

There were no delegations.

Public Health 2024 Annual Service Plan and Budget Submission.

Diane Vanecko, Director/ Chief Nursing Officer, Organizational & Foundational Standards, provided information respecting the Public Health 2024 Annual Service Plan and Budget Submission. Topics of the presentation included:

  • Purpose of the Request
  • Accountability Framework
  • Annual Service Plan 2024
  • 2024 ASP and Budget Submission
  • Community Needs and Priorities
  • Key Partners
  • Programs and Interventions
  • Food Safety Program Description, Objectives and Interventions
  • Moved byCouncillor Seaborn
    Seconded byCouncillor Siscoe

    That Report PHD 2-2024, dated March 5, 2024, respecting Public Health 2024 Annual Service Plan and Budget Submission, BE RECEIVED and the following recommendations BE APPROVED:

    1. That the Board of Health (BOH) APPROVE the Public Health 2024 Annual Service Plan and Budget Submission (ASP) to the Ministry of Health for a total gross budget of $41,266,266.


Homelessness Prevention Plan Investment Plan 2024-25

  • Moved byCouncillor Witteveen
    Seconded byCouncillor Rigby

    That Report COM 8-2024, dated March 5, 2024, respecting Homelessness Prevention Plan Investment Plan 2024-25, BE RECEIVED and the following recommendations BE APPROVED:

    1. That the Ministry mandated Homelessness Prevention Plan (HPP) investment plan for the 2024-25 funding allotment BE APPROVED.


CSWB 911 Action Table: Findings and Recommendations

  • Moved byCouncillor Ip
    Seconded byCouncillor Witteveen

    That Report COM 9-2024, dated March 5, 2024, respecting CSWB 911 Action Table: Findings and Recommendations, BE RECEIVED and the following recommendations BE APPROVED:

    1. That Regional Council REQUEST the Province of Ontario to support investment in:

    a) A “civilian-led” or alternate / mental health-only response to mental health and addiction crisis calls;

    b) Providing enhanced and sustainable funding to close the gaps in local mental health and addiction treatment services, as identified in the Niagara Needs-Based Planning Project; and

    c) Adequate and sustainable funding for core community mental health and addiction services to support the full continuum of treatment and crisis services;

          2. That Report COM 9-2024 BE CIRCULATED to Ontario Health for consideration; and

          3. That Report COM 9-2024 BE FORWARDED to the Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee.

          4. That Report COM 9-2024 BE CIRCULATED to Niagara Regional Police Services Board for consideration of endorsement; and

          5. That Canadian Mental Health Association, Niagara Branch, along with the partners they deem appropriate, BE REQUESTED to  make a presentation to Public Health and Social Services Committee about an alternative crisis-response model.

  • Moved byCouncillor Bateman
    Seconded byCouncillor Insinna

    ​That the following items BE RECEIVED for information:

    COM-C 2-2024

    Accreditation Report

    PHD-C 1-2024

    Data Update on Council’s Declared States of Emergency


There were no items of Other Business.

​The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Regional Headquarters.

​There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:19 p.m.