PHSSC 5-2024
Council Chamber - In Person and Electronic Meeting
Niagara Region Headquarters, Campbell West
1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, Thorold, ON
  • Bateman, 
  • Chiocchio (Committee Co-Chair), 
  • Craitor, 
  • Easton, 
  • Foster, 
  • Insinna, 
  • Ip, 
  • Kaiser, 
  • Rigby, 
  • Seaborn, 
  • Whalen, 
  • and Witteveen 
  • Bradley (Regional Chair), 
  • Diodati, 
  • Jordan, 
  • Morocco (Committee Co-Chair), 
  • Siscoe, 
  • and Sorrento 
  • C. Banach, Director, Housing Services, 
  • A. Basic, Legislative Assistant, 
  • A. Jugley, Commissioner, Community Services, 
  • Dr. A. Kasmani, Medical Officer of Health, 
  • H. Koning, Director, Senior Services, 
  • A.-M. Norio, Regional Clerk, 
  • and M. Sergi, Commissioner, Growth Strategy & Economic Development 

Committee Co-Chair Chiocchio called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Councillor Ip read the Land Acknowledgement Statement.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.

Public Health Strategic Review

Layla Mofid, Strategic Initiatives Manager, provided information respecting the Public Health Strategic Review. Topics of the presentation included:

  • Drivers and Goals of the Strategic Review
  • Alignment with Council's Strategic Priorities
  • Overview of Project Roadmap
  • Work Assessments

There were no delegations.

Child Care and Early Years 2024 Operating Budget Adjustment

  • Moved byCouncillor Rigby
    Seconded byCouncillor Seaborn

    That Report COM 16-2024, dated May 7, 2024, respecting Child Care and Early Years 2024 Operating Budget Announcement, BE RECEIVED and the following recommendation BE APPROVED:

    1. That a gross operating budget adjustment in the amount of $6,274,822 gross and $0 net, to be fully funded through the Ministry of Education (MEDU), BE APPROVED to support Niagara’s early years and child care system.

  • Moved byCouncillor Witteveen
    Seconded byCouncillor Bateman

    ​That the following items BE RECEIVED for information:

    COM 12-2024

    Seniors Services Quality Improvement Report: October – December 2023

    COM 13-2024

    Medical Directors Annual Report 2023 – Long-Term Care Homes

    COM 14-2024

    An Evaluation of the use of Granting for the Building Safer Communities Grant Program Pilot

    COM 15-2024

    Housing and Homelessness Action Plan Update 2023

    COM-C 6-2024

    School-age Child Care Affordability Pilot Update

    COM-C 7-2024

    Correspondence from Niagara Regional Housing – Letter to the Ombudsman of Ontario

    PHD-C 2-2024

    Correspondence from the Honourable Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, to Regional Chair Bradley, respecting additional funding from the Ministry of Health for the Niagara Region Public Health Department


There were no items of other business.

​The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Regional Headquarters.

​There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:54 p.m.