THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARAAGRICULTURAL POLICY & ACTION COMMITTEEAGENDAAPAC 2-2024Friday, November 29, 2024 9:00 A.m. - 10:00 A.m.Meeting will be held by electronic participation onlyIf you are interested in viewing this meeting or would like to speak to an item listed on the agenda please contact the Office of the Regional Clerk at TO ORDER 2.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT 3.DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4.PRESENTATIONS 4.1Alternative Land Use Services - The ALUS program in Niagara (verbal presentation) Geoff Verkade, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA)Alyssa Cousineu, Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) 4.2Protecting the Health and Safety of Niagara's International Agricultural Workers (IAWs): The Role of Health Inspectors 1.Protecting the Health and Safety of Niagara’s International Agricultural Workers (IAWs).pdf2.APAC Presentation Protecting the Health and Safety of Niagara’s International Agricultural Workers (IAWs).pdfAnthony Habjan, Director, Environmental HealthChris Gaspar, Manager, Environmental Health5.DELEGATIONS 6.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 6.1APAC-C 3-2024 1.APAC-C 3-2024.pdf2025 Agricultural Policy and Action Committee Meeting Dates7.CONSENT ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 7.1APAC-C 4-2024 1.APAC-C 4-2024.pdfA Letter from Niagara Federation of Agriculture respecting Niagara Region Woodland Conservation7.2APAC-C 5-2024 1.APAC-C 5-2024.pdfNews Release respecting Governments Strengthening Mental Health Services for International Agricultural Workers7.3APAC 1-2024 1.APAC 1-2024 Minutes April 19, 2024.pdfAgricultural Policy and Action Committee Meeting Minutes - April 19, 20248.OTHER BUSINESS 9.NEXT MEETING The next meeting date is to be determined.10.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.APAC-C 5-2024.pdf1.APAC-C 3-2024.pdf1.Protecting the Health and Safety of Niagara’s International Agricultural Workers (IAWs).pdf2.APAC Presentation Protecting the Health and Safety of Niagara’s International Agricultural Workers (IAWs).pdf1.APAC-C 4-2024.pdf1.APAC 1-2024 Minutes April 19, 2024.pdf