THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARACORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEEFINAL AGENDACSC 4-2020Wednesday, May 13, 2020 9:30 A.m. - 11:30 A.m.Meeting will be held by electronic participation onlyAll electronic meetings can be viewed on Niagara Region's website at: to efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to protect all individuals, the Council Chamber at Regional Headquarters will not be open to the public to attend Committee meetings until further notice. To view live stream meeting proceedings, visit: 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.PRESENTATIONS 4.DELEGATIONS 5.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 5.1CSD 33-2020 1.CSD 33-2020 Presentation.pdf2.CSD 33-2020 - 2019 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements.pdf3.CSD 33-2020 Appendix 1 - Annual Surplus Reconciliation.pdf4.CSD 33-2020 Appendix 2 - 2019 Draft Financial Statements.pdf5.CSD 33-2020 Appendix 3 - 2019 Deloitte Audit Findings Report.pdf2019 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements A presentation will precede the consideration of this item.5.2CSD 26-2020 1.CSD 26-2020 Long Term Care Redevelopment Procurement Process.pdf2.CSD.26-2020-Appendix.1.pdfLong-Term Care (LTC) Redevelopment Procurement Process5.3CSD 36-2020 1.CSD 36-2020 - Audit of Sick Day Benefits.pdf2.CSD 36-2020 - Appendix 1 - Management of Sick Benefits Audit.pdfManagement of Sick Benefits Audit6.CONSENT ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 6.1CSC-C 7-2020 1.CSC-C 7-2020.pdfCOVID-19 Response and Business Continuity in Corporate Services6.2CSD 24-2020 1.CSD 24-2020 Regional Development Charges Treasurer's Statement 2019.pdf2.CSD 24-2020 Appendix 1 - DC Reserve Fund Activity.pdf3.CSD 24-2020 Appendix 2 - DC Report funding - Capital.pdf4.CSD 24-2020 Appendix 3 - DC Report funding - Operating.pdf5.CSD 24-2020 Appendix 4 - Description of Services.pdfRegional Development Charges Treasurer’s Statement 20196.3CSC-C 6-2020 1.CSC-C 6-2020 Governance Motion .pdfA memorandum from A.-M. Norio, Regional Clerk, dated May 13, 2020, respecting Referral of Motion from Regional Council Meeting of April 23, 20207.OTHER BUSINESS 8.CLOSED SESSION 8.1Confidential CSD 25-2020 Public Comments: A Matter Respecting Litigation and a Matter of Advice that is Subject to Solicitor – Client Privilege under s. 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 – Update regarding Application for Judicial Review – Niagara Home Builders’ Association9.BUSINESS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION ITEMS 10.NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. 11.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.CSD 24-2020 Regional Development Charges Treasurer's Statement 2019.pdf2.CSD 24-2020 Appendix 1 - DC Reserve Fund Activity.pdf3.CSD 24-2020 Appendix 2 - DC Report funding - Capital.pdf4.CSD 24-2020 Appendix 3 - DC Report funding - Operating.pdf5.CSD 24-2020 Appendix 4 - Description of Services.pdf1.CSC-C 6-2020 Governance Motion .pdf1.CSD 26-2020 Long Term Care Redevelopment Procurement Process.pdf2.CSD.26-2020-Appendix.1.pdf1.CSD 36-2020 - Audit of Sick Day Benefits.pdf2.CSD 36-2020 - Appendix 1 - Management of Sick Benefits Audit.pdf1.CSD 33-2020 Presentation.pdf2.CSD 33-2020 - 2019 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements.pdf3.CSD 33-2020 Appendix 1 - Annual Surplus Reconciliation.pdf4.CSD 33-2020 Appendix 2 - 2019 Draft Financial Statements.pdf5.CSD 33-2020 Appendix 3 - 2019 Deloitte Audit Findings Report.pdf1.CSC-C 7-2020.pdf