THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARAPUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEEAGENDAPWC 6-2024Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:30 A.m. - 10:30 A.m.Council Chamber - In Person and Electronic MeetingNiagara Region Headquarters, Campbell West1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, Thorold, ONTo view live stream meeting proceedings visit: TO ORDER 2.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT 3.DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4.PRESENTATIONS 5.DELEGATIONS 6.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 6.1PW 18-2024 1.PW 18-2024 Contract 2023-T-165 Reconstruction of Regional Road 10 Corridor Phase 1 .pdfContract Increase and Amending Agreement Engineering and Contract Administration Services for the Reconstruction of Regional Road 10 (Casablanca Boulevard)6.2PW 19-2024 1.PW 19-2024 GBA for the St. Paul Street West CNR Bridge (Structure 08125) Replacement in the City of St. Catharines.pdf2.PW 19-2024 Appendix 1 - Keyplan.pdf3.PW 19-2024 Appendix 2 - Total Estimated Project Cost.pdf4.PW 19-2024 Appendix 3 - CS Summary - GO Station Precinct Development Project.pdf5.PW 19-2024 - Appendix 4 - Other Pertinent Reports.pdf6.PW 19-2024 Appendix 5 - City of St. Catharnies Confirmation email.pdfGross Budget Adjustment for the St. Paul Street West CNR Bridge (Structure 08125) Replacement in the City of St. Catharines6.3PW 20-2024 1.PW 20-2024 Bridge Street Drop Off Depot Budget Adjustment .pdf2.PW 20-2024 Appendix 1 - Bridge St Drop Off Budget Adjustment.pdfBridge Street Drop Off Depot Budget Adjustment 7.CONSENT ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 8.OTHER BUSINESS 9.CLOSED SESSION 9.1Confidential PWC-C 8-2024 Public Comments: A Matter Respecting Commercial Information Supplied in Confidence and a Position to be Applied to Negotiations under s. 239(2)(i) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Recycling Collection to Non-Eligible Sources under Blue Box Regulation O. Reg 391/2110.BUSINESS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION ITEMS 11.NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chamber, Regional Headquarters.12.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.PW 18-2024 Contract 2023-T-165 Reconstruction of Regional Road 10 Corridor Phase 1 .pdf1.PW 20-2024 Bridge Street Drop Off Depot Budget Adjustment .pdf2.PW 20-2024 Appendix 1 - Bridge St Drop Off Budget Adjustment.pdf1.PW 19-2024 GBA for the St. Paul Street West CNR Bridge (Structure 08125) Replacement in the City of St. Catharines.pdf2.PW 19-2024 Appendix 1 - Keyplan.pdf3.PW 19-2024 Appendix 2 - Total Estimated Project Cost.pdf4.PW 19-2024 Appendix 3 - CS Summary - GO Station Precinct Development Project.pdf5.PW 19-2024 - Appendix 4 - Other Pertinent Reports.pdf6.PW 19-2024 Appendix 5 - City of St. Catharnies Confirmation email.pdf