THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARASPECIAL COUNCIL ORDER OF BUSINESS CL 22-2021Thursday, November 25, 2021 3:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Meeting will be held by electronic participation onlyThis electronic meeting can be viewed on Niagara Region's Website at: to the efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 the Council Chamber will not be open to the public to attend Council meetings until further notice. To view live stream meeting proceedings, please visit: TO ORDER 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3.DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4.DELEGATIONS 4.1MovingTransit Forward in Niagara: Creation of a Consolidated Transit Commission (Report PW 55-2021 (Agenda Item 5.1)) 4.1.1Will Noiles, Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups 1.CL-C 89-2021 Delegation Submission W. Noiles_Redacted.pdf4.1.2Sam Jemison, President, Niagara College Student Administrative Council, and Sean Kennedy, President, Niagara College 1.CL-C 97-2021 NC Delegation Submission_Redacted.pdf2.NC Transit Presentation - Amalgamated Transit.pdf4.1.3Mishka Balsom, President and CEO, Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce 1.CL-C 98-2021 GNCC Delegation Submission.pdf4.1.4Karl Dockstader, Executive Director, Niagara Regional Native Centre 1.CL-C 149-2021 Delegation Submission Niagara Regional Native Centre.pdf4.1.5Elisabeth Zimmermann and Joanne Heritz, YWCA Niagara Region 1.CL-C 150-2021 Delegation Submission YWCA_Redacted.pdf4.1.6Dr. Johan Viljoen, Chief of Staff, Niagara Health, & Jean Davis-Fyfe, Manager of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, Hotel Dieu Shaver Health & Rehabilitation Centre. 1.CL-C 151-2021 Delegation Submission NH and Hotel Dieu Shaver_Redacted.pdf2.Niagara Health Presentation ConsolidatedTransit 1.0.pdf4.1.7Rafay Rehan, President, Brock University Students' Union 1.CL-C 152-2021 Delegation Submission Brock University Students' Union_Redacted.pdf4.1.8Henry Bosch and Dr. C. Fullerton, Citizen Transit Commissioners, City of St. Catharines 1.CL-C 163-2021 Delegation Submission H. Bosch and C. Fullerton_Redacted.pdfThis delegation request has been withdrawn.5.REPORTS FOR CONSIDERATION 5.1PW 55-2021 1.Presentation - Moving Transit Forward - Creating One Consolidated Transit System.pdf2.Moving Transit Forward - Creating One Consolidated Transit System.pdf3.PW 55-2021 Moving Transit Forward in Niagara - Creation of a Consolidated Transit Commission.pdf4.PW 55-2021 Appendix 1.pdf5.PW 55-2021 Appendix 2.pdf6.PW 55-2021 Appendix 3.pdf7.PW 55-2021 Appendix 4.pdfMoving Transit Forward in Niagara: Creation of a Consolidated Transit CommissionA presentation will precede consideration of this report.6.CONSENT ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 6.1CL-C 86-2021 1.CL-C 86-2021 Addressing Input From the City of Welland - Transit Governance Consultation.pdf2.Appendix 1.pdf3.Appendix 2.pdf4.Appendix 3.pdfAddressing Input from the City of Welland – Transit Governance Consultation6.2LNTC 5-2021 1.LNTC Minutes 5-2021 September 29, 2021.pdfMinutes of the Linking Niagara Transit Committee - Wednesday, September 29, 20216.3CL-C 174-2021 1.CL-C 174-2021 City of Welland Letter to Niagara Region - Minor Pause Requested.pdfA letter from S. Zorbas, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Welland, dated November 22, 2021, respecting Minor Pause Requested – Increased Transparency for Niagara Taxpayers.7.CORRESPONDENCE 7.1CL-C 90-2021 1.CL-C 90-2021 2021-10-05 NPRN Letter of Support for Integrated Transit.pdfA letter from Aidan Johnson, Chair, and Jennifer Gauthier, Vice-Chair, Niagara Poverty Reduction Network, dated October 5, 2021, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit.7.2CL-C 91-2021 1.CL-C 91-2021 Brock University - Intermunicipal Transit.pdfA letter from Lynn Wells, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor Provost and Vice-President Academic, Brock University, dated October 5, 2021, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit.7.3CL-C 92-2021 1.CL-C 92-2021 Z. Austin Enquiry from Region website_Redacted.pdfAn email from Zubin Austin, Resident, Town of Fort Erie, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.4CL-C 93-2021 1.CL-C 93-2021 Fedorkow_Redacted.pdfAn email from Lou Fedorkow, Resident, Niagara-on-the-Lake, respecting Consolidated Transit.7.5CL-C 94-2021 1.CL-C 94-2021 Chornley_Redacted.pdfAn email from Jennifer Chornley, Resident, City of Thorold, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit System. 7.6CL-C 95-2021 1.CL-C 95-2021 Niagara Transportation Plan.pdfA letter from Murray Bain, Vice President Marketing, Stanpac Inc., dated November 4, 2021, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit.7.7CL-C 96-2021 1.CL-C 96-2021 Warwick_Redacted.pdfAn email from Peter D. A. Warwick, Resident, City of St. Catharines, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit.7.8CL-C 99-2021 1.CL-C 99-2021 Demers.pdfAn email from Brad Demers, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.9CL-C 100-2021 1.CL-C 100-2021 V. Wikston.pdfAn email from Vittoria Wikston, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.10CL-C 101-2021 1.CL-C 101-2021 K Smith.pdfAn email from Krystyn Smith, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.11CL-C 102-2021 1.CL-C 102-2021 K. Marazzo CMHA.pdfAn email from Karen Marazzo, Communications & Revenue Development Coordinator, Canadian Mental Health Association respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.12CL-C 103-2021 1.CL-C 103-2021 J. Antle.pdfAn email from Jolene Antle, resident and business owner in St. Catharines, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.13CL-C 104-2021 1.CL-C 104-2021 Pathstone.pdfA letter from Shaun Baylis, CEO, Pathstone Mental Health, dated November 17, 2021, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit.7.14CL-C 105-2021 1.CL-C 105-2021 J. Arnoldi.pdfAn email from Janice Arnoldi, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.15CL-C 106-2021 1.CL-C 106-2021 M Myers.pdfAn email from M. Myers, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.16CL-C 107-2021 1.CL-C 107-2021 S Coutu.pdfAn email from Suzanne Coutu, Niagara Resident and Executive Director, CERF Niagara, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.17CL-C 108-2021 1.CL-C 108-2020 A. Bering.pdfAn email from Ann Bering, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.18CL-C 109-2021 1.CL-C 109-2021 L. Palmieri.pdfAn email from Liz Palmieri, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.19CL-C 110-2021 1.CL-C 110-2021 S. Dymczak.pdfAn email from Stan Dymczak, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.20CL-C 111-2021 1.CL-C 111-2021 P. Vincent_Redacted.pdfAn email from Peter Vincent, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.21CL-C 112-2021 1.CL-C 112-2021 P. Riopelle.pdfAn email from Patricia Riopelle, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.22CL-C 113-2021 1.CL-C 113 H. Paterson.pdfAn email from Heather Paterson, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.23CL-C 114-2021 1.CL-C 114-2021 E. Bacon.pdfAn email from Edith Bacon, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.24CL-C 115-2021 1.CL-C 115-2021 R. Browning.pdfAn email from Rob Browning, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.25CL-C 116-2021 1.CL-C 116-2021 R Hurst_Redacted.pdfAn email from Ron Hurst, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.26CL-C 117-2021 1.CL-C 117-2021 C. Massicotte.pdfAn email from Corrina Massicotte, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.27CL-C 118-2021 1.CL-C 118-2021 Deakin.pdfAn email from Glenda and Brian Deakin, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.28CL-C 119-2021 1.CL-C 119-2021 Crawford Smith Swallows.pdfAn email from John Teibert, Managing Partner, Crawford, Smith and Swallow Inc. respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.29CL-C 120-2021 1.CL-C 120-2021 F. Perkins_Redacted.pdfAn email from Faye Perkins, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.30CL-C 121-2021 1.CL-C 121-2021 3Silhouettes First Aid_Redacted.pdfAn email from Doris, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model7.31CL-C 122-2021 1.CL-C 122-2021 K. Petars_Redacted.pdfAn email from Kevan Peters, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.32CL-C 123-2021 1.CL-C 123-2021 A. Shabbar.pdfAn email from Ather Shabbar, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.33CL-C 124-2021 1.CL-C 124-2021 F. Orvitz.pdfAn email from Flavia Orvitz, Niagara Resident and Registered Social Worker, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.34CL-C 125-2021 1.CL-C 125-2021 R Segalin and L. Caracci_Redacted.pdfAn email from Roger Segalin & Liana Caracci, Niagara Residents, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.35CL-C 126-2021 1.CL-C 126-2021 B. Caciagli.pdfAn email from Bruno Caciagli, President, Lake Ontario Express Inc., respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.36CL-C 127-2021 1.CL-C 127-2021 Cave Springs Camp.pdfAn email from Sharon, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.37CL-C 128-2021 1.CL-C 128-2021 K Keir_Redacted.pdfAn email from Krystyn Keir, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.38CL-C 129-2021 1.CL-C 129 E. Lafforgue.pdfAn email from Eduardo R. Lafforgue, President & CEO, Niagara-on-the-Lake Chamber of Commerce & Tourism NOTL respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.39CL-C 130-2021 1.CL-C 130-2021 C. Mittag.pdfAn email from Carola Mittag, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.40CL-C 131-2021 1.CL-C 131-2021 Alan Dickson_Redacted.pdfAn email from Alan Dickson, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.41CL-C 132-2021 1.CL-C 132-2021 B Worthy_Redacted.pdfAn email from Barbara Worthy, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.42CL-C 133-2021 1.CL-C 133-2021 Corks Restaurant_Redacted.pdfAn email from Maria Mavridis, Corks Restaurant, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.43CL-C 134-2012 1.CL-C 134-2021 CSC MonAvenir.pdfAn email from Melinda Chartrand, Présidente, CSC MonAvenir, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model7.44CL-C 135-2021 1.CL-C 135-2021 Sustainability Leadership.pdfAn email from Rafiq Dhanji, Executive Director, Sustainability Leadership, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.45CL-C 136-2021 1.CL-C 136-2021 Victoria Peel.pdfAn email from Victoria Peel, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.46CL-C 137-2021 1.CL-C 137-2021Carrie Price.pdfAn email from Carrie Price, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.47CL-C 138-2021 1.CL-C 138-2021 2021-11 GNCC Councils Transit Letter.pdfA letter from the community leaders from the Women in Niagara Council, NEXTNiagara, the Non-Profit Council, and the Government Affairs Council, dated November 18, 2021, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.48CL-C 139-2021 1.CL-C 139-2021 D. and F. Vieira.pdfAn email from Donna & Fernando Vieira, Owners, Globetrotters B&B/Gallery, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.49CL-C 140-2021 1.CL-C 140-2021 D. Hart.pdfAn email from Dylan Hart, General Manager, JLL, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.50CL-C 141-2021 1.CL-C 141-2021 Diane.pdfAn email from Diane, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.51CL-C 142-2021 1.CL-C 142-2021 F Neale.pdfAn email from Fred Neale, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.52CL-C 143-2021 1.CL-C 143-2021 FW_ Online Form - Enquiry from Region website_Redacted.pdfAn email from Amy Romeo, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.53CL-C 144-2021 1.CL-C 144-2021 L. Jeffries.pdfAn email from Linda Jeffries, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.54CL-C 145-2021 1.CL-C 145-2021 K. Towill.pdfAn email from Kathy Towill, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.55CL-C 146-2021 1.CL-C 146-2021 Lori Beech.pdfAn email from Lori Beech, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.56CL-C 147-2021 1.CL-C 147-2021 N. Prudden.pdfAn email from Nikki Prudden, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.57CL-C 148-2021 1.CL-C 148-2021W. Snippe.pdfAn email from Wilma Snippe, H2Only Inc., respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.58CL-C 153-2021 1.CL-C 153-2021 C Stefanson.pdfAn email from Connie Stefanson, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.59CL-C 154-2021 1.CL-C 154-2021 E Quesnel_Redacted.pdfAn email from Eric Quesnel, Niagara Resident and Hotel General Manager,124 on Queen Hotel & Spa, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.60CL-C 155-2021 1.CL-C 155-2021 D. Levesque.pdfAn email from David Levesque, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.61CL-C 156-2021 1.CL-C 156-2021 S. Aimy_Redacted.pdfAn email from Sonia Aimy, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.62CL-C 157-2021 1.CL-C 157-2021 D. King.pdfAn email from Doug King, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.63CL-C 158-2021 1.CL-C 158-2021 R. Braithwaite_Redacted.pdfAn email from Rachel Braithwaite, Executive Director, St. Catharines Downtown Association, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.64CL-C 159-2021 1.CL-C 159-2021 M. McGrath.pdfAn email from Mary McGrath respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.65CL-C 160-2021 1.CL-C 160-2021 FW_ Online Form - Enquiry from Region website C.Smith_Redacted.pdfAn email from Colleen Smith, CEO, FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.66CL-C 161-2021 1.CL-C 161-2021 D. Reed.pdfAn email from Debbie Reed, Driverseat Niagara, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.67CL-C 162-2021 1.CL-C 162-2021 South Niagara Chambers of Commerce Letter of Support Integrated Transit.Nov2021.pdfA letter from South Niagara Chambers of Commerce, dated November 19, 2021, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.68CL-C 164-2021 1.CL-C 164-2021 C. Starrs.pdfAn email from Catherine Starrs respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.69CL-C 165-2021 1.CL-C 165-2021 Fallsview BIA.pdfAn email from Sue Mingle, Executive Director, Fallsview B.I.A., respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.70CL-C 166-2021 1.CL-C 166-2021 A. Knight.pdfAn email from Adriann Knight, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.71CL-C 167-2021 1.CL-C 167-2021 K. Neufeld.pdfAn email from Kevin Neufeld, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.72CL-C 168-2021 1.CL-C 168-2021 M. Nantel.pdfAn email from Marc Nantel, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.73CL-C 169-2021 1.CL-C 169-2021 Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre.pdfAn email from Lise Andreana, Niagara Resident and Chair of the Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model7.74CL-C 170-2021 1.CL-C 170-2021 M Hussien.pdfAn email from Mustafa Hussien, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.75CL-C 171-2021 1.CL-C 171-2021 C. McGrath.pdfAn email from Christine McGrath respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.76CL-C 172-2021 1.CL-C 172-2021 T. Dougall Freshco.pdfAn email from Todd Dougall, Niagara Resident and Owner/Operator of Bunting & Welland Frescho, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.77CL-C 173-2021 1.CL-C 173-2021 GNCC Transitr Petition 2021-11.pdfA letter submitted from the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce on behalf of multiple business leaders in Niagara respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.78CL-C 175-2021 1.CL-C 175-2021 F. Goldspink_Redacted.pdfAn email from Frank Goldspink, Resident, City of St. Catharines, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit.7.79CL-C 176-2021 1.CL-C 176-2021 J.-L. Martel.pdfAn email from Jean-Luc Martel, Niagara Resident, respecting Niagara Consolidated Transit Model.7.80CL-C 177-2021 1.CL-C 177-2021 YMCA - Memo to Council Members re Regional Transportation_Redacted.pdfA letter from Steven Chuang, CEO, and Mike Watt, Board Chair, YMCA of Niagara, dated November 24, 2021, respecting YMCA of Niagara's support for a Niagara Wide Transportation System. 7.81CL-C 178-2021 1.CL-C 178-2021 Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre_Redacted.pdfAn email from Emily Kovacs, CEO, Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit Model. 7.82CL-C 179-2021 1.CL-C 179-2021 Community Care.pdfA letter from Betty-Lou Souter, CEO, Community Care, dated November 17, 2021, respecting Moving Transit Forward.7.83CL-C 180-2021 1.CL-C 180-2021 OUTniagara-Letter-RE-Moving Transit Forward.pdfA letter from Celeste Turner and Kerry Goring, Co-Chairs, OUTniagara, dated November 25, 2021, respecting Consolidated Regional Transit Model.8.BY-LAWS 8.1Bill 2021-96 1.Bill No. 2021-96 Consolidated Passenger Transportation System By-law.pdfA by-law to establish, operate and maintain a consolidated passenger transportation system for The Regional Municipality of Niagara. The consideration of this proposed by-law is subject to Council's consideration of Report PW 55-2021.8.2Bill 2021-97 1.Bill No. 2021-97, Confirming By-law, Special, November 25, 2021.pdfA by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of Regional Council at its special meeting held November 25, 2021.9.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.CL-C 86-2021 Addressing Input From the City of Welland - Transit Governance Consultation.pdf2.Appendix 1.pdf3.Appendix 2.pdf4.Appendix 3.pdf1.CL-C 99-2021 Demers.pdf1.CL-C 100-2021 V. Wikston.pdf1.CL-C 101-2021 K Smith.pdf1.CL-C 104-2021 Pathstone.pdf1.CL-C 102-2021 K. Marazzo CMHA.pdf1.CL-C 103-2021 J. Antle.pdf1.CL-C 105-2021 J. Arnoldi.pdf1.CL-C 106-2021 M Myers.pdf1.CL-C 107-2021 S Coutu.pdf1.CL-C 108-2020 A. Bering.pdf1.CL-C 109-2021 L. Palmieri.pdf1.CL-C 110-2021 S. Dymczak.pdf1.Bill No. 2021-97, Confirming By-law, Special, November 25, 2021.pdf1.CL-C 111-2021 P. Vincent_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 112-2021 P. Riopelle.pdf1.CL-C 113 H. Paterson.pdf1.CL-C 114-2021 E. Bacon.pdf1.CL-C 115-2021 R. Browning.pdf1.CL-C 116-2021 R Hurst_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 117-2021 C. Massicotte.pdf1.CL-C 118-2021 Deakin.pdf1.CL-C 119-2021 Crawford Smith Swallows.pdf1.CL-C 120-2021 F. Perkins_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 121-2021 3Silhouettes First Aid_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 122-2021 K. Petars_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 123-2021 A. Shabbar.pdf1.CL-C 124-2021 F. Orvitz.pdf1.CL-C 125-2021 R Segalin and L. Caracci_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 126-2021 B. Caciagli.pdf1.CL-C 127-2021 Cave Springs Camp.pdf1.CL-C 128-2021 K Keir_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 129 E. Lafforgue.pdf1.CL-C 130-2021 C. Mittag.pdf1.CL-C 131-2021 Alan Dickson_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 132-2021 B Worthy_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 133-2021 Corks Restaurant_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 134-2021 CSC MonAvenir.pdf1.CL-C 135-2021 Sustainability Leadership.pdf1.CL-C 136-2021 Victoria Peel.pdf1.CL-C 137-2021Carrie Price.pdf1.CL-C 138-2021 2021-11 GNCC Councils Transit Letter.pdf1.CL-C 139-2021 D. and F. Vieira.pdf1.CL-C 140-2021 D. Hart.pdf1.CL-C 141-2021 Diane.pdf1.CL-C 142-2021 F Neale.pdf1.CL-C 143-2021 FW_ Online Form - Enquiry from Region website_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 144-2021 L. Jeffries.pdf1.CL-C 145-2021 K. Towill.pdf1.CL-C 146-2021 Lori Beech.pdf1.CL-C 147-2021 N. Prudden.pdf1.CL-C 148-2021W. Snippe.pdf1.CL-C 153-2021 C Stefanson.pdf1.CL-C 154-2021 E Quesnel_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 155-2021 D. Levesque.pdf1.CL-C 156-2021 S. Aimy_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 157-2021 D. King.pdf1.CL-C 158-2021 R. Braithwaite_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 159-2021 M. McGrath.pdf1.CL-C 160-2021 FW_ Online Form - Enquiry from Region website C.Smith_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 161-2021 D. Reed.pdf1.CL-C 162-2021 South Niagara Chambers of Commerce Letter of Support Integrated Transit.Nov2021.pdf1.CL-C 164-2021 C. Starrs.pdf1.Presentation - Moving Transit Forward - Creating One Consolidated Transit System.pdf2.Moving Transit Forward - Creating One Consolidated Transit System.pdf3.PW 55-2021 Moving Transit Forward in Niagara - Creation of a Consolidated Transit Commission.pdf4.PW 55-2021 Appendix 1.pdf5.PW 55-2021 Appendix 2.pdf6.PW 55-2021 Appendix 3.pdf7.PW 55-2021 Appendix 4.pdf1.CL-C 90-2021 2021-10-05 NPRN Letter of Support for Integrated Transit.pdf1.CL-C 91-2021 Brock University - Intermunicipal Transit.pdf1.CL-C 92-2021 Z. Austin Enquiry from Region website_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 93-2021 Fedorkow_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 94-2021 Chornley_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 95-2021 Niagara Transportation Plan.pdf1.CL-C 89-2021 Delegation Submission W. Noiles_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 97-2021 NC Delegation Submission_Redacted.pdf2.NC Transit Presentation - Amalgamated Transit.pdf1.CL-C 98-2021 GNCC Delegation Submission.pdf1.CL-C 149-2021 Delegation Submission Niagara Regional Native Centre.pdf1.CL-C 150-2021 Delegation Submission YWCA_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 151-2021 Delegation Submission NH and Hotel Dieu Shaver_Redacted.pdf2.Niagara Health Presentation ConsolidatedTransit 1.0.pdf1.CL-C 152-2021 Delegation Submission Brock University Students' Union_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 165-2021 Fallsview BIA.pdf1.CL-C 163-2021 Delegation Submission H. Bosch and C. Fullerton_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 96-2021 Warwick_Redacted.pdf1.Bill No. 2021-96 Consolidated Passenger Transportation System By-law.pdf1.CL-C 166-2021 A. Knight.pdf1.CL-C 167-2021 K. Neufeld.pdf1.CL-C 168-2021 M. Nantel.pdf1.CL-C 169-2021 Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre.pdf1.CL-C 170-2021 M Hussien.pdf1.CL-C 171-2021 C. McGrath.pdf1.CL-C 172-2021 T. Dougall Freshco.pdf1.CL-C 173-2021 GNCC Transitr Petition 2021-11.pdf1.CL-C 174-2021 City of Welland Letter to Niagara Region - Minor Pause Requested.pdf1.LNTC Minutes 5-2021 September 29, 2021.pdf1.CL-C 175-2021 F. Goldspink_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 176-2021 J.-L. Martel.pdf1.CL-C 177-2021 YMCA - Memo to Council Members re Regional Transportation_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 178-2021 Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre_Redacted.pdf1.CL-C 179-2021 Community Care.pdf1.CL-C 180-2021 OUTniagara-Letter-RE-Moving Transit Forward.pdf