CL 25-2021
Meeting will be held by electronic participation only
This electronic meeting can be viewed on Niagara Region's Website at:

Due to the efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 the Council Chamber will not be open to the public to attend Council meetings until further notice. To view live stream meeting proceedings, please visit:

The delegation submission is attached to this agenda item as CL-C 185-2021.

This delegation request was received after the deadline. The request must be considered by Council.

Thursday, November 18, 2021 (Regular Meeting)

Thursday, November 25, 2021 (Special Meeting)

Thursday, December 9, 2021 (Special Meeting)

All of the above minutes are presented for errors and/or omissions only.

A memorandum from P. Lambert, Director, Infrastructure Planning & Development Engineering, dated December 16, 2021, respecting Appointment of Private Sewage System Inspectors under the Building Code Act, 1992.

Recommended Action: Receive.

A memorandum from E. Amirault, Associate Director, Finance Operations and Systems, dated December 16, 2021, respecting Update Regarding 2022 Schedule of Fees and Charges.

Recommended Action: Receive.

An email from Halton Action for Climate Emergency Now (HACEN), dated December 11, 2021, respecting Hard Urban Boundaries.

Recommended Action: Receive.

Notice of Amendment to the Procedural By-law and Minutes of the Procedural By-law Review Committee meeting held on November 15, 2021


In accordance with the notice and submission deadline requirements of Sections 18.1(b) and 11.3, respectively, of Niagara Region’s Procedural By-law, the Regional Clerk received from Councillor Gale a motion to be brought forward for consideration at the December 16, 2021, Council meeting respecting the Integrity Commissioner and Code of Conduct.

Council Minutes - Closed Session

Closed Session Minutes CL 23-2021, Thursday, December 9, 2021 (Special Meeting)

Committee Reports - Closed Session

Public Health and Social Services Committee - Closed Session

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Corporate Services Committee - Closed Session

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


A by-law to accept, assume and dedicate Part of Lot 2, Concession Broken Front Louth, in the City of St. Catharines as part of Regional Road No. 38 (Martindale Road).

A by-law to accept, assume and dedicate Part of Lot 47, Plan M13, in the Town of Lincoln as part of Regional Road No. 73 (Fly Road).

A by-law to accept, assume and dedicate Part of Lot 21 and 22, Plan 214 and part of the road allowance between Concession 1 and 2, in the City of St. Catharines  as part of Regional Road No. 87 (Lakeport Road).

A by-law to accept, assume and dedicate Part of Township Lot 87, in the City of Niagara Falls as part of Regional Road No. 98 (Montrose Road).

A by-law to authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $8,994,217.00 for capital works of The Corporation of The City of Niagara Falls.

A by-law to authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $3,300,000.00 for a capital work of The Corporation of The City of Niagara Falls.

A by-law to authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the principal amount of $8,570,365.00 for a capital work of The Corporation of The City of Niagara Falls.

A by-law to authorize the borrowing upon amortizing debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $831,661.00 for capital works of The Corporation of The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.

A by-law to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the principal amount of $15,000,000.00 for a capital work of The Regional Municipality of Niagara.

A by-law to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $900,000.00 for capital works of The Corporation of The Township of West Lincoln.

A by-law to authorize long-term financing (1-10 years) in the amount of $10,000,000; and (1-30 years) in the amount of $18,681,003 for Niagara Region Capital Projects.

A by-law to adopt the 2022 capital budget for The Regional Municipality of Niagara.

A by-law to adopt the 2022 operating budget for The Regional Municipality of Niagara.

A by-law to authorize a 2022 interim levy for The Regional Municipality of Niagara.

A by-law to establish fees and charges for services and activities provided by The Regional Municipality of Niagara and for the use of its property and to repeal By-laws 2021-03 and 2021-62.

A by-law to authorize an application for approval to expropriate all right, title and interest (Fee Simple) in lands required for municipal purposes (179 St. Paul Crescent, St. Catharines).

A by-law to authorize an application for approval to expropriate all right, title and interest (Fee Simple) in lands required for municipal purposes (6811 Reixinger Road, Niagara Falls).

A by-law to appoint sewage system inspectors for The Regional Municipality of Niagara pursuant to the Building Code Act and to repeal By-law 2019-104.

A by-law to amend By-law 89-2000 to provide for the regulation of traffic on Regional Highways (speed reduction Regional Road 81 & all-way stop designation Regional Road 81 at Concession 6 Road in the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake).

A by-law to amend By-law 89-2000 to provide for the regulation of traffic on Regional Highways (parking prohibition Regional Road 87 in the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake).

A by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of Regional Council at its meeting held on December 16, 2021.

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