THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARACOUNCIL ORDER OF BUSINESS CL 11-2023Thursday, July 20, 2023 6:30 P.m. - 10:30 P.m.Council Chamber - In Person and Electronic MeetingNiagara Region Headquarters, Campbell West1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, Thorold, ONTo view live stream meeting proceedings visit: TO ORDER 2.LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT 3.ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3.1Addition of Items 3.2Changes in Order of Items 4.DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 5.PRESENTATIONS 6.CHAIR'S REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, REMARKS 7.DELEGATIONS 8.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 8.1Council Minutes CL 9-2023Rigby 1.CL 9-2023 Minutes June 15, 2023.pdfThursday, June 15, 2023The above minutes are presented for errors and/or omissions only.9.CORRESPONDENCEVillella 9.1CL-C 50-2023 1.CL-C 50-2023 Correspondence Submission S. Soos_Redacted.pdfAn email from S. Soos, resident, City of Welland, dated July 13, 2023, respecting opposition in ending the state of emergency for mental health, homelessness and addiction.Recommended Action: Receive.9.2CL-C 51-2023 1.CL-C 51-2023 Correspondence Submission S. Waziruddin_Redacted.pdfAn email from S. Waziruddin, dated July 20, 2023, respecting cancelling the states of emergency on mental health, homelessness and addiction.Recommended Action: Receive.10.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION None.11.COMMITTEE REPORTS - OPEN SESSION 11.1Procedural By-law Review CommitteeBateman 1.PBLRC 3-2023 Minutes June 26, 2023.pdf2.PBLRC-C 4-2023.pdfMinutes PBLRC 3-2023, Monday, June 26, 202311.2Public Works CommitteeWitteveen 1.SUMMARY - PWC Recommendations July 11, 2023.pdf2.PWC 7-2023 Minutes July 11, 2023.pdf3.Presentation - Biosolids Management Master Plan Update FINAL.pdf4.PW 27-2023.pdf5.PW 29-2023.pdf6.PW 32-2023.pdf7.PW 33-2023.pdf8.PW 35-2023.pdf9.PW 26-2023.pdf10.PWC-C 3-2023.pdf11.WMPSC 3-2023 Minutes June 26, 2023.pdf12.WMPSC presentation - Overview of Waste Management 2024 Capital Projects.pdf13.WMPSC presentation - Keen on Green 2022 Waste Audit Update.pdf14.WMPSC-C 16-2023.pdf15.WMPSC-C 18-2023.pdf16.WMPSC-C 19-2023.pdf17.WMPSC-C 20-2023.pdf18.WMPSC-C 21-2023.pdfMinutes PWC 7-2023, Tuesday, July 11, 202311.3Public Health and Social Services CommitteeChiocchio 1.SUMMARY - PHSSC Recommendations July 11, 2023.pdf2.PHSSC 7-2023 Minutes July 11, 2023.pdf3.PHD 6-2023.pdf4.COM 20-2023.pdf5.COM 25- 2023.pdf6.COM 26-2023.pdf7.CAO 9-2023 Presentation.pdf8.CAO 9-2023.pdfMinutes PHSSC 7-2023, Tuesday, July 11, 202311.4Corporate Services CommitteeWhalen 1.SUMMARY - CSC Recommendations July 12, 2023.pdf2.CSC 7-2023 Minutes July 12, 2023.pdf3.COM 26-2023(1).pdfMinutes CSC 7-2023, Wednesday, July 12, 202311.5Planning and Economic Development CommitteeHuson 1.SUMMARY - PEDC Recommendations July 12, 2023.pdf2.PEDC 7-2023 Minutes July 12, 2023.pdf3.Northland Power - Thorold Peaker Planning Presentation.pdf4.PDS 23-2023.pdf5.ED 7- Presentation - 2023 In-Depth Analysis of Emerging Sectors.pdf6.ED 7-2023.pdf7.PDS 10-2023.pdf8.PDS 20-2023.pdf9.PDS 21-2023.pdf10.PDS 22-2023.pdf11.PDS-C 30-2023.pdf12.PDS-C 31-2023 Correspondence Submission M. Freeman_Redacted.pdfMinutes PEDC 7-2023, Wednesday, July 12, 202312.CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S REPORT(S) None.13.MOTIONS 13.1Support for Ontario’s Wine IndustryKaiser 1.2023 07 20 Councillor Kaiser Wine Industry.pdfIn accordance with the notice and submission deadline requirements of Sections 18.1(a) and 11.3, respectively, of Niagara Region’s Procedural By-law, the Regional Clerk received from Councillor Kaiser a motion to be brought forward for consideration at the July 20, 2023 Council meeting respecting Support for Ontario's Wine Industry.13.2Support for Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Municipal Code of Conduct RecommendationsHuson 1.2023 07 20 Councillor Huson AMO Code of Conduct Recommendations.pdfIn accordance with the notice and submission deadline requirements of Sections 18.1(a) and 11.3, respectively, of Niagara Region’s Procedural By-law, the Regional Clerk received from Councillor Huson a motion to be brought forward for consideration at the July 20, 2023 Council meeting respecting Support for Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Municipal Code of Conduct Recommendations.14.NOTICES OF MOTION 15.OTHER BUSINESS 16.CLOSED SESSION 16.1Committee Reports - Closed Session Public Comments: 16.1.1Public Works Committee - Closed Session Public Comments: PWC 7-2023 Tuesday, July 11, 202316.1.2Public Health and Social Services Committee - Closed Session Public Comments: Closed Session Minutes PHSSC 7-2023, Tuesday, July 11, 202316.1.3Corporate Services Committee - Closed Session Public Comments: Closed Session Minutes CSC 7-2023, Wednesday, July 12, 202316.1.4Planning and Economic Development Committee - Closed Session Public Comments: Closed Session Minutes PEDC 7-2023, Wednesday, July 12, 202316.2Confidential Items Submitted Directly to Council Public Comments: 16.2.1Confidential CSD 34-2023 Public Comments: A Matter respecting Litigation or Potential Litigation, Including Matters Before Administrative Tribunals, Affecting the Municipality, under s. 239 (2)(e) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Quarry Assessment Appeal Update16.2.2Confidential CSC-C 15-2023 REVISED Public Comments: A Matter of a Proposed or Pending Acquisition of Land by the Municipality under s.239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Niagara Regional Housing (NRH) Acquisition of Property in the City of St. Catharines (Confidential Report NRH 3-2023)16.2.3Confidential COM 29-2023 Public Comments: A Matter Respecting Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations under s. 239 (2)(d) of the Municipal Act, 2001 – Emergency Shelter and Bridge Housing Operations17.BUSINESS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION 18.BY-LAWSCraitor 18.1Bill 2023-43 1.Bill 2023-43 Town of Lincoln General Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-43 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdfA by-law to authorize the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for financing of certain capital work(s) of The Corporation of the Town of Lincoln and to authorize long-term borrowing for such capital work(s) through the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Niagara (the “Upper Tier Municipality”) to OILC.18.2Bill 2023-44 1.Bill 2023-44 Town of Lincoln Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-44 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdfA by-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of The Corporation of the Town of Lincoln (the “Lower-Tier Municipality”) through the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Niagara (the “Upper Tier Municipality”) and to authorize the entering into of a Rate Offer Letter Agreement pursuant to which the Upper-Tier Municipality will issue debentures on behalf of the Lower-Tier Municipality to OILC.18.3Bill 2023-45 1.Bill 2023-45 Town of Fort Erie Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-45 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdfA by-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of The Corporation of the Town Of Fort Erie (the “Lower-Tier Municipality”) through the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Niagara (the “Upper Tier Municipality”) and to authorize the entering into of a Rate Offer Letter Agreement pursuant to which the Upper-Tier Municipality will issue debentures on behalf of the Lower-Tier Municipality to OILC.18.4Bill 2023-46 1.Bill 2023-46 Town of Niagara-On-The-Lake Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-46 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdfA by-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of The Corporation of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake (the “Lower-Tier Municipality”) through the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Niagara (the “Upper Tier Municipality”) and to authorize the entering into of a Rate Offer Letter Agreement pursuant to which the Upper-Tier Municipality will issue debentures on behalf of the Lower-Tier Municipality to OILC.18.5Bill 2023-47 1.Bill 2023-47 City of St. Catharines Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-47 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdfA by-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of The Corporation of the City of St. Catharines (the “Lower-Tier Municipality”) through the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Niagara (the “Upper Tier Municipality”) and to authorize the entering into of a Rate Offer Letter Agreement pursuant to which the Upper-Tier Municipality will issue debentures on behalf of the Lower-Tier Municipality to OILC.18.6Bill 2023-48 1.Bill 2023-48 West Lincoln Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-48 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdfA by-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of The Corporation of the Township of West Lincoln (the “Lower-Tier Municipality”) through the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Niagara (the “Upper Tier Municipality”) and to authorize the entering into of a Rate Offer Letter Agreement pursuant to which the Upper-Tier Municipality will issue debentures on behalf of the Lower-Tier Municipality to OILC.18.7Bill 2023-49 1.Bill 2023-49 Niagara Region Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-49 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdfA by-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of The Regional Municipality of Niagara (the “Municipality”) and to authorize the entering into of a Rate Offer Letter Agreement pursuant to which the Municipality will issue debentures to OILC.18.8Bill 2023-50 1.Bill 2023-50 A By-Law to Remove a Portion of Highway from the Regional Road System in the Township of West Lincoln.pdfA by-law to add a portion of a lower tier highway to the Regional Road system in the Township of West Lincoln.18.9Bill 2023-51 1.Bill 2023-51 By-Law to Add a Portion of a Lower-Tier Highway to the Regional Road System in the Township of West Lincoln.pdfA by-law to remove a portion of highway from the Regional Road System in the Township of West Lincoln.18.10Bill 2023-52 1.Bill No. 2023-52 Confirming By-law.pdfA by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of Regional Council at its meeting held July 20, 2023.18.11Bill 2023-54 1.Bill 2023-54 Fort Erie Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-54 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdfA by-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of The Corporation of the Town Of Fort Erie (the “Lower-Tier Municipality”) through the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Niagara (the “Upper Tier Municipality”) and to authorize the entering into of a Rate Offer Letter Agreement pursuant to which the Upper-Tier Municipality will issue debentures on behalf of the Lower-Tier Municipality to OILC.19.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.SUMMARY - PHSSC Recommendations July 11, 2023.pdf2.PHSSC 7-2023 Minutes July 11, 2023.pdf3.PHD 6-2023.pdf4.COM 20-2023.pdf5.COM 25- 2023.pdf6.COM 26-2023.pdf7.CAO 9-2023 Presentation.pdf8.CAO 9-2023.pdf1.CL 9-2023 Minutes June 15, 2023.pdf1.SUMMARY - CSC Recommendations July 12, 2023.pdf2.CSC 7-2023 Minutes July 12, 2023.pdf3.COM 26-2023(1).pdf1.SUMMARY - PWC Recommendations July 11, 2023.pdf2.PWC 7-2023 Minutes July 11, 2023.pdf3.Presentation - Biosolids Management Master Plan Update FINAL.pdf4.PW 27-2023.pdf5.PW 29-2023.pdf6.PW 32-2023.pdf7.PW 33-2023.pdf8.PW 35-2023.pdf9.PW 26-2023.pdf10.PWC-C 3-2023.pdf11.WMPSC 3-2023 Minutes June 26, 2023.pdf12.WMPSC presentation - Overview of Waste Management 2024 Capital Projects.pdf13.WMPSC presentation - Keen on Green 2022 Waste Audit Update.pdf14.WMPSC-C 16-2023.pdf15.WMPSC-C 18-2023.pdf16.WMPSC-C 19-2023.pdf17.WMPSC-C 20-2023.pdf18.WMPSC-C 21-2023.pdf1.SUMMARY - PEDC Recommendations July 12, 2023.pdf2.PEDC 7-2023 Minutes July 12, 2023.pdf3.Northland Power - Thorold Peaker Planning Presentation.pdf4.PDS 23-2023.pdf5.ED 7- Presentation - 2023 In-Depth Analysis of Emerging Sectors.pdf6.ED 7-2023.pdf7.PDS 10-2023.pdf8.PDS 20-2023.pdf9.PDS 21-2023.pdf10.PDS 22-2023.pdf11.PDS-C 30-2023.pdf12.PDS-C 31-2023 Correspondence Submission M. Freeman_Redacted.pdf1.2023 07 20 Councillor Huson AMO Code of Conduct Recommendations.pdf1.Bill 2023-43 Town of Lincoln General Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-43 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdf1.Bill 2023-44 Town of Lincoln Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-44 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdf1.Bill 2023-45 Town of Fort Erie Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-45 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdf1.Bill 2023-46 Town of Niagara-On-The-Lake Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-46 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdf1.Bill 2023-47 City of St. Catharines Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-47 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdf1.Bill 2023-48 West Lincoln Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-48 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdf1.Bill 2023-49 Niagara Region Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-49 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdf1.Bill No. 2023-52 Confirming By-law.pdf1.CL-C 50-2023 Correspondence Submission S. Soos_Redacted.pdf1.2023 07 20 Councillor Kaiser Wine Industry.pdf1.PBLRC 3-2023 Minutes June 26, 2023.pdf2.PBLRC-C 4-2023.pdf1.CL-C 51-2023 Correspondence Submission S. Waziruddin_Redacted.pdf1.Bill 2023-50 A By-Law to Remove a Portion of Highway from the Regional Road System in the Township of West Lincoln.pdf1.Bill 2023-51 By-Law to Add a Portion of a Lower-Tier Highway to the Regional Road System in the Township of West Lincoln.pdf1.Bill 2023-54 Fort Erie Long Term Borrowing By-Law.pdf2.Bill 2023-54 Schedule B - Loan Application.pdf