THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NIAGARACOUNCIL ORDER OF BUSINESS CL 17-2024Thursday, December 12, 2024 6:30 P.m. - 10:30 P.m.Council Chamber - In Person and Electronic MeetingNiagara Region Headquarters, Campbell West1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, Thorold, ONTo view live stream meeting proceedings visit: TO ORDER 2.LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT 3.SINGING OF 'O CANADA' 4.ADOPTION OF AGENDA 4.1Addition of Items 4.2Changes in Order of Items 5.DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 6.PRESENTATIONS 6.12025 International Plowing Match & Rural Expo 1.IPM 2025 Presentation Niagara Region - December 12 2024.pdf2.IPM 2025 Regional Partnership Opportunities Dec 12 2025.pdfRon Murre, Co-Chair, 2025 International Plowing Match & Rural Expo7.CHAIR'S REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, REMARKS 8.DELEGATIONS 8.1Use of the Notwithstanding Clause (Legislation that would facilitate the eviction or displacement of encampment residents) Violating Charter Rights (Agenda Item 15.1) As the motion on this topic has been withdrawn to instead be considered at the January 23, 2025, Regional Council meeting, the delegations speaking on this matter have been removed from the agenda. 9.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 9.1Council Minutes CL 16-2024 1.CL 16-2024 Minutes November 21, 2024.pdfThursday, November 21, 2024The above minutes are presented for errors and/or omissions only.10.CORRESPONDENCE 10.1CL-C 109-2024 1.CL-C 109-2024 Update to Bill No. 2024-81 Appendix 1 Schedule of Fees and Charges.pdfUpdate to Bill No. 2024-81 Fees and Charges By-law Appendix 1 Schedule of Fees and Charges10.2CL-C 113-2024 1.CL-C 113-2024_Redacted.pdfAn email from B. Khoury, Pharmaviva Pharmacy, Thorold, dated December 9, 2024, in support of the "Welcoming Streets" Pilot Project. 11.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 11.1CL-C 110-2024 1.CL-C 110-2024 SWIFT Appointment.pdf2.Niagara_2025 SWIFT Director Selection Letter.pdfAppointment to Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) Board11.2CL-C 111-2024 1.CL-C 111-2024 Hauled Sewage Rates - Outline of Fee Options, Costs and Impacts .pdfHauled Sewage Rates - Outline of Fee Options, Costs, and Impacts11.3CL-C 114-2024 1.CL-C 114-2024 Recommendations from BRCOTW December 12, 2024.pdfRecommendations for Consideration from the Budget Review Committee of the Whole meeting held December 12, 202412.COMMITTEE REPORTS - OPEN SESSION 12.1Budget Review Committee of the Whole 1.SUMMARY - BRCOTW Recommendations November 21, 2024.pdf2.BRCOTW 6-2024 Minutes November 21, 2024.pdf3.BRC-C 8-2024 NPCA 2025 Budget Presentation.pdf4.BRC-C 8-2024 NPCA 2025 Budget and Municipal Levies.pdf5.BRC-C 9-2024 2025 Budget Update - Planning vs Approved Increases.pdfMinutes BRCOTW 6-2024, Thursday, November 21, 202412.2Public Works Committee 1.SUMMARY - PWC Recommendations December 3, 2024.pdf2.PWC 11-2024 Minutes December 3, 2024.pdf3.PWC-C 15-2024 M. Wasylyshen Request to Speak.pdf4.PWC-C 16-2024 H. Thiel Request to Speak_Redacted.pdf5.PWC-C 17-2024 T. Richardson Request to Speak.pdf6.PWC-C 17-2024 T. Richardson Presentation.pdf7.PWC-C 18-2024 A. Dobbin Request to Speak_Redacted.pdf8.PW 38-2024 Presentation.pdf9.PW 38-2024.pdf10.PW 36-2024.pdf11.PW 37-2024.pdf12.PW 34-2024.pdf13.PW 35-2024.pdfMinutes PWC 11-2024, Tuesday, December 3, 202412.3Public Health and Social Services Committee 1.SUMMARY - PHSSC Recommendations December 3, 2024.pdf2.PHSSC 11-2024 Minutes December 3, 2024.pdf3.PHSSC Presentation Niagara Ontario Health Team Strategic Plan.pdf4.PHSSC Presentation Sexual Health Programs.pdf5.PHSSC Presentation Overview of Seniors Community Programs.pdf6.COM 34-2024.pdfMinutes PHSSC 11-2024, Tuesday, December 3, 202412.4Corporate Services Committee 1.SUMMARY - CSC Recommendations December 4, 2024.pdf2.CSC 11-2024 Minutes December 4, 2024.pdf3.CSD 62-2024 Presentation.pdf4.CSD 62-2024.pdf5.CSD 53-2024.pdf6.CSD 60-2024.pdf7.CSD 58-2024.pdf8.CSC-C 14-2024.pdfMinutes CSC 11-2024, Wednesday, December 4, 202412.5Planning and Economic Development Committee 1.SUMMARY - PEDC Recommendations December 4, 2024.pdf2.PEDC 11-2024 Minutes December 4, 2024.pdf3.PEDC HOPA Ports Presentaion.pdf4.PDS 24-2024 Post-secondary Student Housing Strategy Presentation.pdf5.PDS 24-2024.pdf6.PDS 32-2024 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP) Presentation.pdf7.PDS 32-2024.pdf8.PDS-C 29-2024.pdfMinutes PEDC 11-2024, Wednesday, December 4, 202412.6Budget Review Committee of the Whole 1.SUMMARY - BRCOTW Recommendations December 5, 2024.pdf2.BRCOTW 7-2024 Minutes December 5, 2024.pdf3.BRC-C 10-2024.pdf4.2025 Levy Budget - CAO PRESENTATION.pdf5.2025 Consolidated General Levy Presentation FINAL.pdf6.BRC-C 13-2024 Delegation Request F. Cortese_Redacted.pdf7.BRC-C 13-2024 Delegation - F. Cortese Speaking Notes.pdf8.BRC-C 14-2024.pdf9.CSD 64-2024.pdf10.BRC-C 15-2024.pdf11.CSD 57-2024.pdf12.CSD 65-2024.pdf13.BRC-C 11-2024.pdf14.BRC-C 12-2024.pdf15.BRC-C 16-2024.pdf16.BRC-C 17-2024 Positive Living Niagara Welcoming Streets Letter of Support.pdf17.BRC-C 18-2024 BHSS Letter of Support Welcoming Streets project.pdf18.BRC-C 19-2024 St. Cath. Downtown Assoc. Welcoming Streets Pilot Program Letter of Support.pdf19.BRC-C 20-2024 REACH Niagara Welcoming Streets Support Letter.pdf20.BRC-C 21-2024 S. McAleese Support for Welcoming Streets Pilot.pdf21.BRC-C 22-2024 Dr. J. Coolen Support Letter for Welcoming Streets Pilot Program.pdf22.BRC-C 23-2024 A. Bell, McMaster University Support Letter.pdf23.BRC-C 24-2024 E. Zimmermann, YWCA Support Letter.pdf24.BRC-C 25-2024 F. MacKay MD, Segue Clinic Support Welcoming Streets project.pdfMinutes BRCOTW 7-2024, Thursday, December 5, 202412.7Audit Committee 1.SUMMARY - AC Recommendations December 9, 2024.pdf2.AC 4-2024 Minutes December 9, 2024.pdf3.AC-C 10-2024.pdf4.AC-C 12-2024 KPMG Vendor Performance Management Presentation.pdf5.AC-C 12-2024.pdf6.AC-C 13-2024 Presentation.pdf7.AC-C 13-2024.pdf8.AC-C 11-2024.pdf9.AC-C 14-2024.pdf10.AC-C 15-2024.pdfMinutes AC 4-2024, Monday, December 9, 202413.CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S REPORT(S) 14.MOTIONS 14.1Use of the Notwithstanding Clause (Legislation that would facilitate the eviction or displacement of encampment residents) Violating Charter Rights Councillor Bateman has advised the Clerk's Office that her motion is withdrawn from this agenda to instead be considered at the January 23, 2025, Regional Council meeting, in light of the current legislative changes being proposed relevant to this topic.15.NOTICES OF MOTION 16.CLOSED SESSION 16.1Council Minutes - Closed Session Public Comments: 16.1.1Closed Session Minutes CL 16-2024, Thursday, November 21, 2024 Public Comments: 16.2Committee Reports - Closed Session Public Comments: 16.2.1Corporate Services Committee - Closed Session Public Comments: Minutes CSC 11-2024, Wednesday, December 4, 202416.3Confidential Items Submitted Directly to Council Public Comments: 16.3.1Confidential CSD 66-2024 Public Comments: A Matter Respecting a Proposed Disposition of Lands by the Municipality under s. 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001; Lease of 272 Wellington Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake17.BUSINESS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION 18.BY-LAWS 18.1Bill 2024-79 1.Bill No. 2024-79 Appt of Munc Enf Officers.pdfA by-law to Appoint Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officers for the Purpose of Enforcing Various Regional By-laws for the Regional Municipality of Niagara and to Repeal By-law 2023-2418.2Bill 2024-80 1.Bill 2024-80 - By-law to Authorize application for approval to expropriate (Parts 1 and 2 on 59R-17435).pdfA by-law to authorize an Application for Approval to Expropriate all Right, Title and Interest (fee simple) in Lands required for Municipal Purposes (Regional Road 98 – Montrose Road), City of Niagara Falls18.3Bill 2024-81 1.Bill No. 2024-81 A by-law to establish fees and charges.pdf2.Bill No. 2024-81 Appendix 1 2025 Schedule of Fees and Charges.pdfA by-law to establish fees and charges for the services and activities provided by The Regional Municipality of Niagara and the use of its property and to repeal By-law 2023-9018.4Bill 2024-82 1.Bill 2024-82 2025 Capital Budget.pdfA by-law to adopt the 2025 Capital Budget for The Regional Municipality of Niagara.18.5Bill 2024-83 1.Bill 2024-83 2025 Operating Budget and Tax Levy Changes.pdfA by-law to adopt the 2025 Operating Budget and General Levy Tax for The Regional Municipality of Niagara.18.6Bill 2024-84 1.Bill No. 2024-84 Confirming By-Law December 12, 2024.pdfA by-law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of Regional Council at its meeting held December 12, 202419.OTHER BUSINESS 20.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.SUMMARY - PHSSC Recommendations December 3, 2024.pdf2.PHSSC 11-2024 Minutes December 3, 2024.pdf3.PHSSC Presentation Niagara Ontario Health Team Strategic Plan.pdf4.PHSSC Presentation Sexual Health Programs.pdf5.PHSSC Presentation Overview of Seniors Community Programs.pdf6.COM 34-2024.pdf1.SUMMARY - CSC Recommendations December 4, 2024.pdf2.CSC 11-2024 Minutes December 4, 2024.pdf3.CSD 62-2024 Presentation.pdf4.CSD 62-2024.pdf5.CSD 53-2024.pdf6.CSD 60-2024.pdf7.CSD 58-2024.pdf8.CSC-C 14-2024.pdf1.SUMMARY - PWC Recommendations December 3, 2024.pdf2.PWC 11-2024 Minutes December 3, 2024.pdf3.PWC-C 15-2024 M. Wasylyshen Request to Speak.pdf4.PWC-C 16-2024 H. Thiel Request to Speak_Redacted.pdf5.PWC-C 17-2024 T. Richardson Request to Speak.pdf6.PWC-C 17-2024 T. Richardson Presentation.pdf7.PWC-C 18-2024 A. Dobbin Request to Speak_Redacted.pdf8.PW 38-2024 Presentation.pdf9.PW 38-2024.pdf10.PW 36-2024.pdf11.PW 37-2024.pdf12.PW 34-2024.pdf13.PW 35-2024.pdf1.SUMMARY - BRCOTW Recommendations November 21, 2024.pdf2.BRCOTW 6-2024 Minutes November 21, 2024.pdf3.BRC-C 8-2024 NPCA 2025 Budget Presentation.pdf4.BRC-C 8-2024 NPCA 2025 Budget and Municipal Levies.pdf5.BRC-C 9-2024 2025 Budget Update - Planning vs Approved Increases.pdf1.IPM 2025 Presentation Niagara Region - December 12 2024.pdf2.IPM 2025 Regional Partnership Opportunities Dec 12 2025.pdf1.CL 16-2024 Minutes November 21, 2024.pdf1.CL-C 109-2024 Update to Bill No. 2024-81 Appendix 1 Schedule of Fees and Charges.pdf1.CL-C 110-2024 SWIFT Appointment.pdf2.Niagara_2025 SWIFT Director Selection Letter.pdf1.SUMMARY - PEDC Recommendations December 4, 2024.pdf2.PEDC 11-2024 Minutes December 4, 2024.pdf3.PEDC HOPA Ports Presentaion.pdf4.PDS 24-2024 Post-secondary Student Housing Strategy Presentation.pdf5.PDS 24-2024.pdf6.PDS 32-2024 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP) Presentation.pdf7.PDS 32-2024.pdf8.PDS-C 29-2024.pdf1.CL-C 113-2024_Redacted.pdf1.Bill No. 2024-84 Confirming By-Law December 12, 2024.pdf1.Bill No. 2024-81 A by-law to establish fees and charges.pdf2.Bill No. 2024-81 Appendix 1 2025 Schedule of Fees and Charges.pdf1.Bill 2024-80 - By-law to Authorize application for approval to expropriate (Parts 1 and 2 on 59R-17435).pdf1.SUMMARY - AC Recommendations December 9, 2024.pdf2.AC 4-2024 Minutes December 9, 2024.pdf3.AC-C 10-2024.pdf4.AC-C 12-2024 KPMG Vendor Performance Management Presentation.pdf5.AC-C 12-2024.pdf6.AC-C 13-2024 Presentation.pdf7.AC-C 13-2024.pdf8.AC-C 11-2024.pdf9.AC-C 14-2024.pdf10.AC-C 15-2024.pdf1.Bill No. 2024-79 Appt of Munc Enf Officers.pdf1.SUMMARY - BRCOTW Recommendations December 5, 2024.pdf2.BRCOTW 7-2024 Minutes December 5, 2024.pdf3.BRC-C 10-2024.pdf4.2025 Levy Budget - CAO PRESENTATION.pdf5.2025 Consolidated General Levy Presentation FINAL.pdf6.BRC-C 13-2024 Delegation Request F. Cortese_Redacted.pdf7.BRC-C 13-2024 Delegation - F. Cortese Speaking Notes.pdf8.BRC-C 14-2024.pdf9.CSD 64-2024.pdf10.BRC-C 15-2024.pdf11.CSD 57-2024.pdf12.CSD 65-2024.pdf13.BRC-C 11-2024.pdf14.BRC-C 12-2024.pdf15.BRC-C 16-2024.pdf16.BRC-C 17-2024 Positive Living Niagara Welcoming Streets Letter of Support.pdf17.BRC-C 18-2024 BHSS Letter of Support Welcoming Streets project.pdf18.BRC-C 19-2024 St. Cath. Downtown Assoc. Welcoming Streets Pilot Program Letter of Support.pdf19.BRC-C 20-2024 REACH Niagara Welcoming Streets Support Letter.pdf20.BRC-C 21-2024 S. McAleese Support for Welcoming Streets Pilot.pdf21.BRC-C 22-2024 Dr. J. Coolen Support Letter for Welcoming Streets Pilot Program.pdf22.BRC-C 23-2024 A. Bell, McMaster University Support Letter.pdf23.BRC-C 24-2024 E. Zimmermann, YWCA Support Letter.pdf24.BRC-C 25-2024 F. MacKay MD, Segue Clinic Support Welcoming Streets project.pdf1.CL-C 111-2024 Hauled Sewage Rates - Outline of Fee Options, Costs and Impacts .pdf1.CL-C 114-2024 Recommendations from BRCOTW December 12, 2024.pdf1.Bill 2024-82 2025 Capital Budget.pdf1.Bill 2024-83 2025 Operating Budget and Tax Levy Changes.pdf